If you look at the bottom left hand corner of the blog, there is a feedjit box, gives an indication of where readers are. We always come up as Motril or Castril, never Yator our nearest village. But if you click on "options" you can change the place the blog thinks you are, to where you really are. Just a thought! I have friends who read this, but never know when, as it comes up with their nearest(?) town not actually where they live.
Talked today to someone who lives near Berchules, there is an old jamon factory (now a nightclub) near there, with a large house nearby. Unfortunately the barranca (steep slope) below has washed away leaving one side of the building exposed and the Ayuntamiento and Guardia have been up to see if it's safe or not. Obviously this has implications for the house as well.
Other news, friends who have a well that pumps up to a tank that holds 3.000 litres of water for the house...the land above the tank slid, knocked out the pipes, the tank emptied.
There is an English language/Spanish news online paper that reports that 6,560 hectares of agricultural land is affected, especially affecting the olive oil industry, a village in Granada that has seen 600 out of its 800 houses flooded, 60 million euros have been allocated for repairs, and so it goes on! But at least the reservoirs are reported to be 70% full.
The paper I mentioned can be found at http://www.theolivepress.es/
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