We have so many figs growing here that it is hard to know what to do with them all. So far we have made jam, umpteen litres of wine and dried them for the winter. We use them chopped up small instead of buying raisins and sultanas - substitute black figs for raisins and white figs for sultanas. They also go into muesli, usually to liven up shop-bought muesli along with extra almonds - also lots of those around here.
One recipe I came across is for figgy pudding, it makes a really good alternative to the traditional -usually shop bought - Xmas Pud. Most of the recipes used fresh figs, of course fresh figs aren't available at Xmas so this recipe is ideal.
half cup butter
half cup lard
1 cup gran sugar
3 large egg yolks
1 cup milk
2 tablespns rum or brandy
1 apple, peeled cored and finely chopped - I use dried apple or pear slices if no fresh
1 lb dried figs, finely chopped - black for a dark pud, white for a paler one
grated peel 1 orange and 1 lemon
1 cup chopped nuts - almonds are good especially as they are free around here
half teaspn cinnamon
1/4 teaspn cloves
1/4 teaspn ginger - I use mixed spice for these last 3 ingredients
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs
2 tspns baking powder
3 large egg whites, whisked till stiff
Cream butter and lard. Add sugar, egg yolks, milk, booze, fruit, nuts, spices and breadcrumbs and baking powder. Lastly fold in egg whites.
Put in greased bowl, cover with grease proof paper - tied on - and
either steam for 4 hours at 160° in a tray of water
or put into a pressure cooker for 20 mins steaming and 50-60mins at low pressure. Leave to reduce pressure at room temp and enjoy with custard or ice cream or cream or all of them!
I make a half size recipe, put into a 1.5 litre pyrex bowl which fits beautifully into the pressure cooker. That makes 6 good portions.