Saturday 4 April 2009

So, another week passes

It doesn't seem a week since I last wrote anything but time flies when you're having fun!!! Saturday last week we did some tidying up of the path we'd been working on - more people around at the weekend needing access to the water deposit - and did some planting later on for ourselves. Sunday we had a day to ourselves, but there is always something to do here especially since we are out so much. Monday we were back on the walls, Tuesday and Wednesday J had a bug (headache, sore throat, ear ache, blocked sinuses etc) and spent most of the day asleep so I got on with re-digging and weeding the areas we want for beans and tomatoes. Thursday, back on the walls, talked to one of our neighbours who also has the same bug, as does his brother in law. Friday - yes, more walling and today for a change we took down an olive tree that is rotten and in the way of completing another section of wall. 12 or 13 barrow loads to the car to bring back here - 3 car loads of fire wood :)

In the greenhouse (aka the caravan) we have tomatoes, courgettes, runner beans and chillis up and there are dwarf beans growing outside covered with halves of plastic bottles as protection from the birds until they are bigger. Different beans this year, dwarf borlotto beans and climbing kentucky wonder wax! The first broad beans are ready for picking now, and the peas are almost there, a bit fatter and we'll have the first lot this coming week. Tomorrow is our watering day so everything can have a good soaking. In the next week or so, we'll put courgettes direct into the ground to come on as a second crop, the same with runner beans and probably get some more tomatoes too. Usually we buy small plants from the market, the ones we have in the greenhouse/caravan are only cherry and beef tomatoes. The brussels are up, as are cabbages, radish, coriander and basil. The sage plants - we have a lot - are all about to burst into bloom which means even more seeds for next year. I keep planting as you never know if they will get caught by a frost and die off and if there's too many, there's always someone wanting a plant and we dry the leaves for the winter to make sage and onion stuffing.

So life continues to be busy; in between all this we somehow fit in washing and cleaning and stuff like that.... big shopping day due soon to fill the shelves and freezers as we are nearly out of vodka and tonic -amongst other more mundane things!

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