Saturday 25 June 2011

Just flowers.

Just flower photos today, no idea what most of them are but a splash of colour by the side of the pista on our very early morning walk.  Both dogs are rising and shining earlier than usual due to the heat, they like to get and about before the sun gets too hot then they collapse on the floor for most of the day.  Two black dogs in a darkened shuttered house - to keep out the sun and heat -  is quite tricky especially when you come in from the brightness.  Not uncommon to hear a yelp as one of them gets trodden on. 

Not many capers growing on the way down to Yator - they're probably still in the ground it's just that the ground has been moved when the new road was built.  Maybe they'll find their way out in a few years time.  Apparently they have an amazingly large root system.  But there are still capers on the way to Yegen...

you can see  the buds - picked and brined small for pizzas, tartare sauce etc - and the start of the seed pod coming from the centre of the flower which is brined and eaten as tapas.

These other flowers I don't recognise although someone probably does!

looks pretty but lethal spikes sticking out by the flower!

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