Friday 7 February 2014

Writing under blue skies.

After five and a half years of writing under a sunny coloured heading,  I thought I'd like a change and as the sky is such a wonderful deep blue at this time of the year,  John has worked some wizardry and changed the heading and lettering to our sky colours.  We did look at a complete new style of blog but this old version lets us - actually him - change the colours of the headings and  background  - actually  anything on here that has a colour can be changed - that is if you understand where to look and what all the html stuff means.  Which I don't,  but he does so

now we are blue.

If you think it's nice say so!    It's good to get feedback :)

And today amongst other things,  we've siphoned wine into drink sized bottles - down from the 5 litre stored size.

Pruned yet more olive branches from the trees out by the pool so we can now see over them - the view is lovely but the trees were too high - now they are more of a windbreak than anything.  Olives?  About a dozen on that tree.

It rained last night - no idea where it came from - ok, yes out of the sky but when we went for a last walk  at 8.30ish the sky was clear, the stars were twinkling and the half moon lit up the pista enough not to need a torch.  But just an hour later it was raining!   Probably because I watered the pea beds yesterday and sent the overflow water from the main balsa round our land.. I'm sure that  if I hadn't watered it wouldn't have rained.

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