Monday 14 September 2009


This afternoon in Montenegro. . . .

Sorry that there is no sound - but it's an old little camera.
. . . . more >>

1 comment:

  1. As I came over the ridge of hills between our Alpujarras valley and the coast on Monday all I could see was very dark clouds with black streaks of rain coming out of them and lightning flashing. The closer I got to home, the worse it got. Mud, stones and rocks had washed down across the road in a lot of places.

    The pista (track) up from the village of Yator to our house was extremely bad and I think I was lucky to get back at all. The Polo now has a flat tyre - though it probably wouldn't be going any where for a while anyway because of the state of the track.

    It rained yesterday as well. The bottom acequia (water channel) had got blocked up and so our bottom land was completely flooded this morning. I've unblocked it now and - as the sun is back out today - it will hopefully drain off/ dry out soon.
