Friday 25 September 2009


3 years ago we bought 6 plants from a friend and although the plants were small, had a few strawberries that year. The next year 5 of them died off, no apparent reason as they were all in the same bed, but the remaining one has gone from strength to strength. We had a strawberry on New Years Day - yes, just one - and it has flowered and fruited all summer. Sometimes only a couple of fruits a week but always something. Then suddenly it has put out loads of runners and today I potted up 17 plants with a further 12 runners that are still a bit too small for pots but are in the ground for rooting. If nothing else, we can have jam and maybe strawberry wine if that's possible?!!!

After last weeks torrential rain - worst day was Monday but it also rained on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - this week has been back to normal with blue skies, t-shirts and shorts. Hovering around 22-23 in the day. But Candido (cooked for us a while back) dropped in this evening on the way home from a walk and said the rain was coming back and after checking the forecast for the next week, it seems he could be right. Depending on which forecast we look at we are either in for 8-9 days of bad weather - storms, thunder and lightning or just Sunday and the end of next week.

The freezers are full, the firewood is dry and we have moved some more onto the terrace so we have a lot close to the house - just in case!

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