Monday 23 August 2010

Poor man's pesto

When I plant seeds, I leave them a week or two and then if nothing is happening,  put in some more, on the basis that you can't have too many.    Now however we have about 15 very large basil bushes that get a haircut every week or so to keep them tidy and to stop them going to seed too quickly.   Some gets dried for the 'off season'  the rest I have been making into a poor man's pesto - so called because we have run out of parmesan and we  never have pine nuts.

Into the liquidiser I put

2 cups of basil
1/4 cup of olive oil

and then whizz to a paste.   Sometimes I add a bit of salt, pepper and chopped garlic,  sometimes not.   But then I put a couple of spoonfuls into each yoghurt pot to freeze,  then push it out into a bag and re-use the pots.  You can freeze it in ice cube trays but I think they're better used for ice!     Who wants pesto  flavoured ice cubes in their drink??    Don't tell me, there's probably basil flavoured vodka out there somewhere!

Look what I've found!!!!!   A vodka basil pasta sauce....may be worth making next time we cook pasta.

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