Thursday 12 August 2010

Skinny dipping

No,  not that sort of skinny dipping - certainly not with a photo as well!!  

This is about Pip who is mostly legs and ears and only weighs in at 10kgs -  and that is despite having an appetite as big as Monty's.   She has boundless energy but in this very hot weather she really needs to slow down and take life a little easier.   She hasn't learnt that lesson yet and so she runs out of steam, stands and trembles.   One late afternoon in May, when out for a walk, she got so hot that she just couldn't move, just stood and trembled, and yes I had to carry her the last 50 metres or so home.   But if she is watered, she quickly cools down and is off at full speed again.

Yesterday evening she overheated yet again, so John put her in the acequia to cool down.  Our acequia runs down through the side vegetable and flower garden and  runs into a 'sink' area that we keep filled for watering the garden.  Pip saw a frog which had come down with the running water and was in the 'sink'   -  that's what she's looking at!

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