Tuesday 5 April 2011

Spring greens.

The broad bean plantation seems to be getting taller and taller, with more and more flowers every day.  Yesterday I spent most of the day watering - should have done it on Sunday as that was our acequia day but first thing in the morning it was grey and threatening rain, although we only got a few splodges  - then when it did brighten up some friends came to visit for the afternoon.

So I had  Sunday yesterday and spent 6 hours watering and weeding in the sunshine.   The acequias had lots of weeds and grass growing in them but it's easier to get that out when the water is running and the soil becomes soft.  As I waited for the water to make it's way round and to soak into the  beds,  I started to pick our first beans of the year.  Nice and small, like a french bean to look at and that's what they taste like too.  Just need topping and tailing, a couple of minutes in boiling water and served with a drizzle of oil,  or - as we did - a knob of garlic butter and diced chorizo.

The first 400 grams of baby beans.

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