Saturday 5 May 2012

What a star!

Or a few  stars really;  firstly the unknown flower is called Star of Bethlehem,  or to give it it's official name   Ornithogalum arabicum.   Second star goes to Penelope, who is - if I've got this right  - my mother-in-laws cousin,  and she knows everything horticultural.  Any unknown plants I send a photo to Penelope and back comes the name,  usually with some other information as well, such as the black bits of this flower are it's ovaries and that  "the  fresh plant is toxic particularly to grazing animals but allegedly the dry bulb is OK to eat - but I wouldn't recommend it."

Also I think a star goes to Fernando who last week managed to get  his dumper bogged down in the only squidgy bit of land in Montenegro, where one of the acequia gates leaks into a field.  He was walking down to Yator to get his tractor to pull out the dumper when we saw him, so John went up in the car with him, they borrowed a cable from Paco and John (or our car) pulled Fernando's dumper out.   The next day there came a knock on the gate and he had brought us 2 litres of olive oil and a jar of local honey to say thankyou.

Despite being stuck in the mud and facing a walk down to get the tractor, and then a walk back up later on -  he'd have to take the tractor back down after rescuing himself - he always has a big smile on his face.  Not for nothing is he known as 'happy Fernando'.  The other Fernando's aren't  miserable,  but there are so many they need a nickname so we know who we're talking about.  

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