Wednesday 13 June 2012

Another week...

Another week has whizzed by

- plants out, watering done daily but different plants on different days,

- hot winds this week, it's felt at times like we have been living in front of a hairdryer,  and that also brings dust into every part of the house which means more cleaning when the winds die down,

- the winds also blow the olive blossom off the trees and most of it seems to land in our pool so more cleaning, or skimming of the surface on a daily basis,

- John has added a watering pipe from our top storage tank down to the every growing strawberry beds which now include a raspberry area.  Last year we had one cane, now we have 14.  Waiting for a good crop, we think they are autumn fruiters, so roll on September,

- a belated Spring-clean too this week, partly because of the dust making wind,  partly because we were moving the bedroom furniture around and decorating  plus changing some of the lounge furniture.  It's better to do it now, as it's cooler indoors than out.  All the upstairs curtains have been washed and the rugs went to the lavanderia last Wednesday.  Collected them on Friday - yes, that quickly - she is a bit overwhelmed with things and doesn't have much long term storage.
- something has been wandering through the chilli plantation at night so I have put some plastic fencing around them.  Looks like a dog from the  paw prints and other unmentionable things  :(

- plus the usual early morning dog walk which seems to be getting earlier and earlier the hotter it gets!  A couple of times a week we (the dogs and I)  walk down to Yator and meet a friend, she then walks up here with us and either stops for a cold drink or coffee before going home to have breakfast with her husband.  It gives us time for a chat as we walk,  we talk about plants and things, we swop cuttings and seedlings, (she gave me a lovely lavender plant this week,)  it's a nice - and cool - start to the day.  John meanwhile is preparing for his day and we have breakfast in the garden when I get back.

- so that's life at the moment.  Early starts, lazy afternoons,  late watering sessions and an even later evening meal.

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