Friday 1 June 2012

Barking mad

Pip, the dog with character - or as a friend said, a dog with attitude.  She is loving and affectionate, but has a stubborn streak as well.  If we call her in and she doesn't want to come, then she'll sit down in the garden.  Shut the front door and say 'ok, see you later', then up she gets and in she comes.  But always on her own terms.

When traffic goes past, she barks.  If it's a  car with a trailer - particularly an empty rattling trailer - then she'll hide first then bark when it's safe.  She barks at friends if they are wearing a cap with a peak, when they take the cap off  she's fine. She hides from the wind and the rain, and she barks at a chair if  any of the furniture has been moved  for cleaning. Mixed up dog or what!

She's been here for 3 years now,  and from the middle of May for about a month or so the mulberry trees in front of the chapel drop their fruit all over the road.  There is a carpet of ripe black and white mulberries,  Monty sometimes stops to eat them and Pip has always just walked through them like we do every day, twice a day on our walks.

Until this week.  Now when we get to the  mulberries, she stops and sits down.  The first day it happened I didn't notice she was sitting, just thought she'd stopped to eat the fruit, gave a tug on her lead and she  gave a quick wriggle and de-harnessed herself.  Her lead is clipped onto a harness, not her collar as she used to pull really hard and sounded like she was choking.  I thought the harness was something more secure but she has proved that with a twist of her legs and shoulders that it's not.

No amount of coaxing would get her to move,  Monty was off sniffing at something interesting so I just picked her up and carried her across the mulberries.  Coming home she stopped again but for some reason decided to be brave and ran - a bit ungainly, she reminded me of a spring lamb, all legs - but got across on her own.

Same thing that night, again yesterday morning, this morning and tonight.  Always stops going up and sits down but gallops across on the way home.

Any suggestions?  Does she need counseling?

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