Thursday 3 January 2013

An afternoon walk.

In an effort  to kick start the winter kilo loss - I don't do diets, but I do enjoy walking -  I set off this afternoon with the dogs for an hours walk up to Yegen and back.  Not a lot of kilos to lose,  3 would do,  but  with a lack of olives to  harvest which normally does the trick it's got to be more walking and/or digging for the spring vegetable planting.

A glorious day,  deep blue skies and sunshine but it's very deceptive as there is also a chill wind.  Fine if you're in the sun or busy but cool otherwise.  I went in a sweatshirt and was hot while walking uphill in the sun but ok most of the time. 

On the way out of Montenegro you go uphill and  then round a corner, down to a stream.  Up above you on the left - and maybe 50 metres or so above - is a hanging rock.  It's cracked and seems to be poised there,  I'm always amazed it's not fallen down onto the pista and we do walk along that stretch quickly just in case.  On windy days or after rain I keep one eye on it as well!  Nor sure I could outrun it if it moved but at least I'd give it a go.

Hanging rock.  Doesn't look too bad on a photo!

Above the stream is another craggy rock face with what appears to be a cave and above that  are several terraces faced with dry stone walls.  How on earth anyone got there to build the walls I can't imagine.  Probably they were done in the days when all you had was your land and you made the most of what there was,  so you could also grow vegetables on the flat land in between the trees.

See the cave?  Above it are 2 rows of terracing.
We stopped at the cemetery for a photo opportunity.....

and then set off back home.   Waiting at the area we call the 'big fig' which is where the footpaths to Montenegro, Yegen and El Golco join,  was a horse (at least I think it's a horse but maybe a mule?)   He was tied to the tree waiting for his owner Raphael to finish work on his land. 
Horse or mule?

A nice way to commute to work!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vicky

    A very happy new year to you and yours. Love the picture of the outdoor ironing, how pleasant is that....We are now finally in the year that we move!!! I am a little excited and looking forward to out trip in February hope to book flights next week
    Take Care
