Wednesday 9 January 2013

Gas bottles and boiled sweets.

It's not often that you go out to restock the gas bottles and come home with a kilo and a half of caramelos - boiled sweets to you and me - but that's what happened today.

I needed to go to the Post Office  so while I was in Cadiar thought I'd change the empty gas bottles  for full ones.  We don't usually leave it so long,  try always to keep at least one full bottle in stock but somehow over Christmas and New Year we used all the spares.

The 'gas lady' - don't know her name yet, even after 9 years of talking to her - is very friendly and always gets me to sit down and then starts asking how we are, how is Montenegro 'still beautiful?' despite the fact that she's never been here, did we have a good Christmas,  isn't our nuera - daughter in law - muy guapa - very beautiful and so small and her husband - our son - so tall.  Then out comes the photos of their 6 month old granddaughter, Sofia,  and so it goes on.  Good language practice for me though.

But today a little extra surprise.  She went off to the back room leaving her husband to work out how much I needed to pay and  then came back with a carrier bag.  These are for you she said,  there were so many at  los Reyes,  and they are so small this year that they didn't all get picked up.  I took the bag, looked inside,

wow!  Turned out to be a kilo and a half of caramelos,  enough she said to last till next Three Kings. 

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