Saturday 30 March 2013

This week....

It seems a long time since I was here writing anything but we've been busy with stuff.  Nothing really to do with living here but we have been engrossed in building our family tree as a record for the new generation and before memories fade and scraps of paper with notes from the past get lost.  It is alternately exciting and frustrating,   just when you think you're on the right track  you find that you've created a family member with far too many brothers and sisters,  so back to square one and start that search again.  So we've had lots of  'what if we look here'  moments,  and  'did we eliminate him or not',  and  'can you read that,  does it say silk winder?'   and  'weren't they on the last census?'  and suddenly you realise it's 1am and you should really be tucked up in bed.

Unfortunately dogs don't allow for our late nights so it's up and about at the usual time.  We've had some lovely clear sunny days,  although the winds have been a bit blustery at times,  usually in the late afternoon.   Low cloud the other morning - I don't mean the sky was cloudy though,  the clouds were lower than us drifting along the valley from Ugijar to Yator.

Friends came up for dinner last night  - John cooked a wonderful meal - too much even for the 5 of us so we are finishing it off tonight.  2 evenings of no cooking and not having to think of something different to eat!   Some days I really am lacking in inspiration  - I open the freezer and there's loads of meat and fish but I just don't have a  'oh yes lets cook this' moment.

This morning I have been planting out lettuces.   I put in the remainder of last years 'Iceberg' seeds a while back, and transplanted about 24 of them a few weeks ago,  covered with fleece as the blackbird kept pecking around them and uprooting them,  and today planted out the rest.  154!!  A lettuce every day till the end of summer.  Some are big enough to pick baby leaves from now,  the majority need to get much bigger.

The first broad beans  are  big enough to start picking,  the first peas also ready and the next planting are in flower. More of each following on behind,  just need to keep an eye on the peas and add extra string for them to cling onto as they grow.

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