Tuesday 3 March 2015

Tempting fate?

March:  changeable weather,  sometimes sunny but cool,  showers too,  quite often breezy and definitely chilly in the evening with the wood burner alight...

or not?

I know that when I write about the weather at this time of the year,   if I say it's cold and wet then it'll change within days if not hours to something better so as I sit here in a t-shirt,  no heating on again - for the second night -   still 18 degrees outside,  14 overnight last night,  I'm sure it'll change soon.

But for last few days it's been absolutely glorious.  Clear blue skies and rising temperatures.  Almost 22 this afternoon in the shade on the terrace,  I'm sure it's just a blip, some jet stream sending warm air over us that should be further south but it's so nice.

Probably winter will come back soon,  cloud and drizzle,  wind and rain,  but while the sun is out we are making the most of it.  We spent yesterday morning working on the top terraces, John strimmed and I raked off the trimmings,  while planning where to plant this years seeds and vegetables. 

We are pretty much decided on just planting what we know grows well and/or we can't buy easily - chillis, coriander,  kohlrabi,  different salad leaves,  rocket,  - I'm sure there's more,  but the basics we leave to the professionals.  Things like potatoes,  onions,  cabbages,  sweet potatoes,  carrots, garlic,   we've tried growing all those but always have problems and then it ends up costing more in seeds/small plants/fertiliser/compost than we would have spent on buying just what we needed!

Off now to check the weather forecast.....sun shade or umbrella? 

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