Thursday 1 April 2010

So you've got snow!

Whereas at last we have lots of sunshine. It's lovely in the sun, cooler in the shade and cold when the sun sets at 8pm. The air temperature isn't sufficient yet to get the inside warm enough and it feels chilly when we go in at sunset. Having said that, I got heat rash on my back today after being out digging a vegetable plot with the sun on my back all the time and J is looking quite rosy.

This week he has been repairing a stone wall on a terrace behind the house, making a herb garden in the area behind the house where we now have lots of vegetables growing - well protected with netting so Pip can't get at the beans and peas - and at last we have some more pictures up in the dining room. One has been waiting for more years than I care to remember but we have been given a painting of the chapel painted by John's Uncle Doug, which has prompted him to hang both (with a little nagging from me!) Or maybe more than a little nagging, as in today the day we get the pictures up? Was it yesterday you said you'd do them?....but they're up at last.

We've strimmed all the 'grass' around the house and pool - not really grass, it's clover and ground cover but kept short looks good. Fished a frog out of the pool this morning and sent him on his way to a new home hopefully some distance away. Swimming with frogs doesn't appeal to me. Not quite swimming weather I know, although a friend's grandson - Dale - went in on Monday for a quick swim (click the > play button to see it).

The vegetable beds haven't been dug over since the end of last seasons veg and have had 3 months of rain. They are very weedy but still nice and moist so are easy to dig into, turn over, de-weed (if that's a word!) and rake level. They'll soon be ready for this years seeds and plants.

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