Sunday 3 October 2010

Our first boniatos

And in case you're thinking,  boniatos, what are they?  They are  sweet potatoes.  This is the first year we've grown any  and they seem to be doing well.   I've found lots of information out there in the big wide world that is the internet  and all the info says that sweet potatoes need between 120 and 150 days of warm, sunny weather.  These were planted at the start of May so have had 5 months of Spanish sunshine and it seems to have suited them extremely well.

and there are lots more under the ground ........
We don't do very well with a lot of root crops apart from potatoes which we can guarantee will grow well,  so can add these to our 'definitely need to plant'  list.  Their biggest problem is a real dislike to cold weather,  even  a cool wind will affect them.  This time last year some friends gave us some rooted cuttings   and we potted them up to overwinter.  Even double wrapped in fleece, protected within walls from the wind, the leaves went black overnight when the  temperature dropped and a cold north wind got amongst them.  These plants were bought from the almacen in Cadiar, 10 slips (unrooted plant tips)  cost €1.50 so a few more boniatos like today's will see us in profit.

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