Friday 14 June 2013

You know it's summer when..

The first cicadas start screeching

The first hot weather warnings are issued by AEMET

Your neighbours come up at 6.30 in the morning to water before it gets too hot

The dogs need walking before they get too hot - it's up and out by 7 am

You can't keep up with the amount of ice needed to go with the cold drinks  to keep us refreshed

Shutters have to be closed the minute the sun hits the house to keep it comparatively cool inside

Winter bedding washed and stored away

The pool is sparklingly clean and the lilos are ready for use

As I write this,  sitting in the shade on the terrace at 5.40,  chilled white wine in front of me,  the thermometer still says 30.   It said 21 when we got up at 7am,  yet only last Friday the high was a not very June-like 18.

Happy days,  give it another month or so and people will be saying either .......this isn't normal for June/July ........or...........oh I can't  wait for autumn/the rain/winter.

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