Monday 2 January 2012

Big birds - Vultures?

Just having an afternoon cuppa in the sunshine, chatting together and thinking how quiet it was for a holiday Monday, when I happened to look up and saw a  flock of big birds soaring high above us.  Ran for my camera, John got his as well and we took lots of photos.  I took over a minute of slightly grainy video footage - the birds were really a bit high up for my camera - and John  took  these  (actually he took 20 but these are the edited highlights)

Altogether there were 10 birds,  having looked at the bird book we think they are Griffon Vultures, although we get Bonelli's eagles here, they only ever come in twos, the only big birds that come so many  together are the vultures.  And they are big!    They have a wing span of almost two and a half metres and are about a metre long.  They swooped and soared around above Montenegro then gradually drifted up the valley towards Mecina.

They look so graceful that it's hard to imagine just how big they really are. 

Ps:  the sky really  is that colour,  18° in the shade again today,  not a cloud in sight and nothing apart from sunshine on the forecast either.

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