Friday 6 January 2012

Just when you think it's all over....

Just when you think it's all over another fiesta explodes with daytime rockets and evening firework displays.  Christmas, New Year, then Yegen's fiesta is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of January, last night was the 3 Kings celebration, today is Epifania del Señor and during all that there are seemingly random rocket explosions. 

On the evening of the 2nd, Yegen's firework display started just as I was about to take Monty and Pip for their last walk of the night.  She doesn't like fireworks, or rather doesn't like the noise, and runs to hide under the bed.  Couldn't take her out during the display which is normally quite quick and nothingy, so we waited in the garden for it to finish.  But it went on and on, John came out to watch with us, there were multicoloured fireworks which lit up the sky for about 15 minutes.  So much for the times of austerity!  Not sure how big Yegen is -  the population listed is for Alpujarra de la Sierra which is Mecina Bombaron, Yegen, Montenegro and El Golco.  This whole area only has a total of about 1100 people so a good display for the size of the village.

Today was Epifania del Señor,  we heard rockets being sent up from Yator and there was lunch in the salon, but as we'd been out for lunch yesterday with friends decided not to have two days out as there are things to be done.  There is also a dance tonight - starting at  10pm which normally means sound check time, followed by a few of the youths and the girls looking in the salon, it won't get going till nearer 11pm and won't be lively till nearer midnight.  Probably give it a miss.

As I said at the beginning,  just when you think it's all over,  another one is being planned.   Yator's main fiesta is in January.  They celebrate San Sebastián Mártir  - January 20th this year -  so I'm assuming that weekend will be fiesta weekend.  But not always!  Just to surprise you, sometimes it's the 3rd weekend of the month,  the weekend before the day,  not the one closest to the day.  Confused?  So are we some years.  The best person to ask is Roger at the bar as it will be a busy weekend for him.

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