Tuesday 31 January 2012

Afternoon walk.

We very rarely get such a low overnight temperature as last nights....when I opened the front door to take the dogs out this morning the thermometer said 0°.   At first I thought maybe the battery had gone but then it wouldn't have any figure on it at all,  and there was frost on the cars,  at the side of the road,  everywhere was glistening.   Definitely  hood up and gloves on type of morning.   And the oranges were oh so cold,  when I tried to pick them  my fingers hurt  so I did that with gloves on as well.

But then the sun has shone all day, lovely clear blue skies and after a trip to the shops this morning, a bit of  housework - not much, cleaned out and relaid the woodburner for tonight and a bit of a dust around - just enough.   Then after lunch as John was busy with other stuff,  I took the dogs for  a lovely long walk along the GR7 footpath to the river below El Golco.   The rosemary bushes are in full bloom and buzzing with bees, the gorse is starting to bloom too so there are spots of bright yellow amongst the blue of the rosemary.

Monty had a wallow in the water when we got to the river but Pip seemed a bit wary and only paddled far enough to have a drink.  The temporary wooden bridge built when the river changed course 2 winters ago is still there but not used by the look of it.  The concrete one is still joined up with the other bank where I suppose someones rebuilt it as there was a huge gap.

The first sight of El Golco from Montenegro

A much calmer river than after the bad winter rains of 2 years ago. 

The path to the river is mostly a single track, occasionally wider, but with terraced land either side.  Then suddenly this.....

 about 10 metres of dry stone wall, the land above doesn't seem to be any different there than anywhere else along that stretch.

The view on the way back is looking east towards Sierra Gador, still with a snowy top.

So an hour and a half walk in the sunshine, lovely and warm as well as yesterday there was a very cool breeze coming down from the snowy mountain tops.  Hopefully 2 sleepy dogs tonight,  that makes it sound as if they don't sleep well, they do, but a lie-in past 8 o'clock would be nice.  It might be warmer then outside too!

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