Sunday 28 April 2013

Grazing goats.

One of the Paco's who has land and a cortijo here in Montenegro comes down from Yegen everyday to see to his animals and dig and plant and water and do all the things that need doing.  Yesterday evening when I saw him,  he had filled a wheelbarrow with grass and clovery type of stuff for his rabbits - 15 I think he said that he has at the moment - and no,  not pets.   Food.   The barrow was so full, he'd tied rope around it to keep the grass in - or should that be on - the barrow.

He also has a couple of goats,  both female,  probably for milk,  they graze wherever the grass is richest,  and so they don't wander too far they are tied to whatever is handy but so they can still reach to eat.  I've seen their ropes tied to the window bars of the ermita,  tied onto a lamp post,  but  last night and tonight they were each tied to a clump of grass.

And each night when they see us,  they stop eating and look at us very quizzically,  then get nervous and try to get out of the way.  Their bells jingle,  their full udders quiver,  Pip tries to go as far away as she can, but she's on a lead  too so can't get far,  and  Monty just ignores them and potters on.

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