Friday 19 April 2013

Pata de gallo.

Today's colourful photo is of a flower which the locals call pata de gallo - cockerel's foot - but which when I looked for it in various plant books and on line,  only came up with a type of ivy and long wavy grasses for that name.  However another search for  'succulent ground cover with pink flowers' came up with the name  Sea Fig -  but then - Ice Plant  or Pig Face or Hottentot fig!  Wonderful names.

So I carried on reading and I think the pink one that is blooming now is the Sea fig,  Carprobrotus Chilensis as it's description says the flowers are deep magenta.  The other one we have has pale yellow flowers which is the Ice Plant or C. Edulis. 

Thanks to John for the photos....

After yesterday's digging I was a little stiff and quite achy this morning and thought a walk would loosen me up but it didn't,  however after a breakfast of coffee and ibruprofen I felt much less painful but thought it wise to keep away from the spade,  rake and the  work on the veg patches.  So I had a pottering morning including picking peas for dinner tonight and lettuce and rocket leaves for a salad,  then  this afternoon I've been making the most of the sun.  Half hour in the sun followed by a swim,  repeat twice more till nicely toasted and refreshed.

Time now for a glass of something chilled and white,  outside in the shade of the olive tree.

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